Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 6- Mist Netting

So these next two days were kind of whack! We split up and half of us hiked a mountain to this bird catching place where this awesome couple that lives in a log cabin in the middle of no where, catches and studies birds for biological study for a living. We got to see birds super up close and watch the scientists measure their varying measurements. This was the prime time for picture taking and for us photographers to go wild. I was really excited to get acquainted with the many colorful birds of Ecuador, because I just love birds and think they are so gorgeous. This day was a rough one though for us because not many birds flew into our net due to whatever reason. We still got to see many cool birds however. After a gruesome hike back up to the town, the most scrumptious pizza of the town greeted us. We ate that up like no other and were ready for any big adventure that was to be thrown at us. After this we all got all of our best photos together for one of Massimo’s critiques.

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